One of the most anticpated records of 2011 has arrived and the hype is well deserved. I was blown away by Travels (best record of 2008) and I really enjoyed the Lost Ground EP. Now with the release of this record, it is clear that Defeater is one of the best bands in modern hardcore.
Introducing yourself to the world via a full length concept album is a ballsy move in the realm of hardcore but for this band it worked. Reason being, is that the music and the story that the music told was so god damn engaging and powerful.
With Empty Days... the story of a family torn apart buy a son's outburst of hatred towards his abusive father is continued, now as seen through the eyes of the brother who was left behind. It might seem like a little too much of the same story being played out but the music which is in every song chaotic, melodic, somber and cathartic, pushes the melodrama to new heights. It is completely engrossing in a way that you would expect from a novel or film; not a hardcore record.
The real suprise here is the strength of the acoustic tracks that finish the record. They make good on the promise of "The Prophet in Plain Clothes" off of Travels.
Still waiting for my vinyl but apparently the packaging for this record is nuts ( a 64 page book of lyrics and photos!?!). It's only fitting for a record this epic. This band has a real talent for songwriting that cannot be ignored. The vocals are tormented, drumming right on spot and the guitars anthemic and driving yet subdued when necessary. Do yourself a favor: refresh yourself on the story, buy this record, and lose yourself.